Under the Glider

And now: An Original Fanfic
Written By: Wayc
Fanfic Begun: April 28, 2003
Topic of Interest: Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers - TV Show
Story Type: Normal Fanfiction
Length: Part 1 (Short)

©2003 Wayc (The FanFiction)
©1989, 1990 Disney Channel (The TV Show)

Foxglove screeched in a shrill pitch as the ground rushed upwards to meet her. Or was she falling down? Foxglove couldn't think straight. With all the blood rushing to her head, she thought she was going to pass out. Her life flashed before her eyes. Much of it turned her blood cold in remorse. She clenched her eyes shut. Facing her was her memories of depression, self-consciousness, loneliness, and WINNIFRED?!?!?!?! Foxglove immediately snapped her eyes open as her wings instinctively took over flapping for her. She had at least twenty feet to spare from hitting the ground when her short term memory reminded her that Winnifred had been put away for good with the elite help of the courageous and overly kind Rescue Rangers.

That thought led her directly to Dale's image. Her face brightened up immediately. She knew that he was her type from the moment she echo-located his profile the previous night, when she had saved his life. He was so adorable too! The thought that he wasn't a bat nagged at the very back of her mind. But what stood out was the message in her mind that no bat has done or would ever do so much as Dale has for her already. She had only met one bat before in her whole entire existence, an adult bat, and he had tried to kill her over a simple piece of food when she was extremely young, prior to meeting Winnifred and thinking she had found someone who truly cared for her. Foxglove clenched her face and shook her head angrily with contempt. "No!! I'm not going to let my thoughts turn against me again!," she said to her empty unfriendly surroundings. She knew that she had infact been shy and introverted all her young life, so she wasn't quite sure what made her act so daring and affectionate when it came to Dale. The possibility that he being the only one she had this new feeling for, an undescribable warmth in the depth of her heart, along with the fact that he would accept her company with at least tolerance, despite her criminal record with Winnifred, flashed through her mind as to why she could be so shy, yet be so close and comfortable around Dale. "Forever I've lived unwanted, and unappreciated. I've never before been handed a chance like this, a munk who cares, a whole team of Rangers who care that I didn't know could even exist, even in my wildest dreams! My heart is telling me to go for Dale!!! Even if he takes years to warm up to me!!," said Foxglove unaware she had said all of that aloud, but no one was around to hear. It was at that moment she realized that a whole new life had unfolded for her, and that she was in . . . . love with Dale. She couldn't explain it. She didn't want to. Then she remembered why she had been falling in the first place. She had been thinking about Dale, and had held her wings up in admiration of him and had stopped flapping her wings. Everything came to her at once, and she remembered what had happened to Dale on the hang glider! Her eyes went wide with horror as she completely and in control sped at the ground heading toward the hang glider that had fallen due to the weight of the two munks.


Chip tried to scramble to his feet with mixed emotions of anger and frustration. As he finally got one solid foot on the groud, he put his other down without thinking and stepped right onto Dale's face. Chip recoiled instantly smacking his head on the top of the inside of Dale's glider making him fall down all over again. This only added to Chip's anxiety. "Ouch," muttered a flustered Dale. The fluttering of wings could be heard as Foxglove came whooshing down attempting to pull the hang glider off of the two poor chipmunks. Finally succeeding, she dropped the hang glider and rushed over to Dale's side instantly. "Are you all right cutie?? You have to stop falling from high places so much! I was so worried about you!," declared a very obviously concerned Foxglove. She offered him her wing almost without thinking, and he being as dizzy as he was accepted it with alacrity. Dale was surprised at the power and force of which she pulled him up with. It made Dale wonder what Winnifred had made this poor bat carry around for her all day long. "Yea, I'm fine. Thanks Foxy!," Dale said. "As always, you are very welcome," said Foxglove a little too sweetly, while batting her eyelashes. Dale tugged at his collar for a second, feeling as if he was being watched in this already uncomfortable situation.

Dale, remembering they weren't alone, turned around and saw Chip who was finally able to stand up without falling down. "Uhhh, hey there Chip!! Wasn't that fun???," Dale inquired. Chip wasted no time with his reaction. He bonked Dale on the head angrily. Without stopping for a second to think about what words to use, in his extremely fast bicker voice with the high pitch, Chip began. "What-did-you-think-you-were-doing-picking-me-up-like-that-at-a-time-like-that-I-was-trying-to-talk-to-Gadget-about-something-important-and-personal-and-you-just-came-along-and-ruined-everything-as-usual-you-never-listen!-When-Gadget-and-Foxglove-designed-that-hang-glider-they-warned-you-at-least-seven-times-not-to-carry-passengers-along-and-you-do-anyway-and-at-the-most-inopportune-time-you-could-have-broken-the-hang-glider-not-to-mention-you-could-have-hurt-somebody-so-be-careful-next-time-even-though-I-know-you're-not-listening-to-me-and-before-I-forget-next-time-the-phone-is-for-me-make-sure-I've-picked-up-the-other-phone-before-you-hang-it-up!!!!!!," altercated Chip in under eight seconds. He then stormed away toward headquarters, leaving a very appalled Foxglove and a flinching Dale staring after him.

Foxglove turned to Dale. "He hit you! Are you okay cutie?," Foxglove questioned. Dale looked at Foxglove with an embarrassed look on his face. He didn't want to look stupid in front of this bat, but Chip had sort of just embarrassed him in front of someone he didn't know too well. "Stop worrying Foxy, I'm fine! Oh Chip just has his bad moods sometimes. He's been under a lot of stress lately." Foxglove gazed at him lovingly until he had finished talking. She was already used to being pushed around and punished for nothing inparticular until the point where she lost all self-worth and thought she deserved it every time. However, she had never witnessed it happen to someone so wonderful and so perfect. Being alone all her life, she started to find out she couldn't understand people. She decided to dismiss her confusion for the time being since she didn't know these people too well.

©2003 Wayc (The FanFiction)
©1989, 1990 Disney Channel (The TV Show)

That was: An Original Fanfic
Written By: Wayc
Fanfic Completed: May 25, 2003
Topic of Interest: Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers - TV Show
Story Type: Normal Fanfiction
Length: Part 1 (Short)

Stay tuned for more!

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