Associate yourself with men of good quality
if you esteem your own reputation.
For ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company.
--George Washington (Rules of Civility)
A tall, smartly dressed, rat looked out among the
throng that was his army, and scowled. His military adventure was going good.
Until now. He turned away from the horde, and looked at a chipmunk in a military
tunic who was flanked by two of his guards. "What happened," he growled.
"Where is your captain, and the rest of your company."
The chipmunk brought himself to rigid attention, and looked directly into the rat’s eyes. He told him of all the things that had happened, including the mysterious death of his commanding officer.
The rat arched his eyebrow, and watched him closely. "And so you took it upon yourself to take charge..."
"I took it upon myself to complete the mission," the chipmunk said in blunt manner.
The rat gazed at the smaller animal thoughtfully, "And?"
"Mission accomplished! All assets are present, and accounted for. SIR!!" The chipmunk smartly saluted him.
The rat gave the smaller animal a long, hard, thoughtful look, then after a pause he spoke. "Guard." he pointed to one of the rats that was standing next to the chipmunk. "Bring me my aide IMMEDIATELY!"
The guard disappeared, then a short time later reappeared with the ‘aide de camp’.
"Sergeant. We have a new officer here." He pointed to the chipmunk. "Instruct him on his duties, and assign him to a company."
The aide looked at the chipmunk incredulously, then looked towards his commander in confusion. But, the glare from the commander silenced the sergeant’s doubt’s. At, least for the moment. The sergeant then turned towards the chipmunk. "Follow me, lieutenant." The chipmunk and the commander exchanged salutes. Then the smaller animal smartly turned, and followed the sergeant as the commander watched him mindfully.
* * *
It was a cold late fall morning on the military practice field, as Training troop two, as well as other troops, began their morning weapons practice. After having finished running the obstacle course during the dawn hours.
The field that Training Troop two was on, was really a large patch of short grass that was partially hidden by stout branches of a nearby tree. The area was marked off by small blue flags. And within it, pairs of uniformed animals sparred with each other using long pointed sticks. All under the watchful eyes of their Sergeant.
Chip let out a half convincing yell, as he attacked his opponent with his practice javelin. His training troop was now in the ‘Active weapons, phase’ of his instruction, and Chip was having mixed emotions about what he was doing. In all the time that he had been a Rescue Ranger. The use of weapons -actual weapons to purposefully hurt another being- was something that was just never done. Sure there were times when he wanted to do bodily harm to somebody. But, actually doing it? Never! It was just not something that the Rangers did. It went against everything that they stood for. After all, they are the RESCUE RANGERS! Not bad guys, or criminals!!
Chip barely blocked an incoming blow from his partner, and retaliated with one of his own, which was blocked as well. Like all of the recruits, Chip had learned the basic stances and moves of his weapon. And, after a week of training, he was used to heft of the heavy javelin and could swing it around fairly well. At least, he thought so.
* Sheesh! I will glad when this is over,* he thought contemptuously as he prepared himself to fight. Before Chip could continue his sparing, the sharp sound of the sergeant's wooden whistle pierced the air, and all training came to a halt.
The sergeant walked over to where Chip was fighting. "Oh. My. GAWD!! What the heck do you think your doing!!?" The sergeant glared balefully at Chip.
"I, uh. Fighting?" Chip stammered. All eyes were on him.
"Recruit! Step aside I’m taking over." said the sergeant as she pushed Chip’s partner aside, took his weapon, and took a fighting stance opposite of the confused chipmunk. "Alright, now, attack me."
Chip looked at her even more confused. * Did she say ‘attack her’?? Is she nuts!?*
"You heard me! I said ATTACK!!"
With a slight shrug, Chip launched an attack on the sergeant, who easily knocked it aside, and followed up with a stinging blow to Chip’s stomach.
"I said attack, not tickle!"
Chip felt his anger rise as he tried to attack her again. This time the Sergeant side-stepped the blow and whacked him across the back of his shoulders, sending the chipmunk sprawling to the ground.
"Comon! What you think this is? A dance!? You think we’re out here just jerking around!? GET UP!!!"
The chipmunk got up as quick as he could, and facing her, took a fighting stance. His face was a mixture of fear and anger.
"You better hit me." She said as she looked into his eyes with unerring determination. "Cause I swear to Gawd. I’m gonna hit you."
Chip looked at her I wide eyed realization, as she lunged at him! He parried only two of her attacks before she smacked him down again.
"Get up!"
Chip tried to quickly move his pain filled body, and turned his back to the sergeant as he got up.
"Don’t turn your back on me!!" The sergeant walloped Chip with her weapon, sending him reeling to the ground. "What’re trying to do!? get yourself killed!!?"
Chip tried to get up, and defend himself. But, the fight had taken a lot out of him. And, all he could do was gasp, and pant on the ground.
There was a pause and then sergeant walked up towards Chip. Standing over him she said in a soft stern voice. "Do ya think you understand what were about now?"
Chip looked up at her, then slowly looked around as he realized that the entire troop had watched the entire incident. The sergeant was about to say something but was interrupted by a bugle call. The sergeant looked at the chipmunk for a moment, then turned towards the rest of the troop.
"Alright people. Fall out for breakfast."
Chip numbingly watched the others as they walked away to eat. And, when he was finally alone, silently wept, and pounded his fist upon the ground. He never showed up for breakfast.
* * *
Captain Mendoza, a tall handsome ferret who wore a plain care worn single breasted frock coat and a wide brim hat, uneasily took his seat among eight other captains of the regiment.
The fact that the captains were called together wasn’t so unusual. At the end of each day, when all other paperwork and reports were done, the commanding officer would gather the captains, and issue instructions for the next day. Today however, they were called in extra early.
All casual conversation came to a halt, as Colonel Mathias resolutely walked into the officers briefing room.
"Good afternoon gentlemen. I’m sorry to have called you here, before you’ve heard the daily briefings from your sergeants. But, something has come up. And, since we are the only front-line unit here. It requires our attention." The mouse made a hand motion, and two sergeants walked in and put up a map of the surrounding area. When it was finished they disappeared, and the colonel walked up to the map, got a pointer, and continued. "As you know, for the last few years this continent has been experiencing extreme climatic, and environmental changes. This in turn has forced certain groups, and individuals, to go to understandable, but unfortunate, extremes in order to survive."
He turned towards the map and walked up to it. "Until now, that has been others problem." He turned, and faced the officers. "Until now." He taped the map with his pointer. "According to reports a, then unidentified, band began forging and raiding near the extreme southern edge of our region. And while we have kept tabs on them, they have been basically ignored due to the fact that they haven’t crossed our territory. And, since we have a large regular military unit here, it was believed that the unidentified band wouldn’t risk and incursion."
"Three weeks ago, this band (officially designated ‘regiment-X’)." The colonel place a black ‘X’ marker on the map. "Has begun to make military adventures into our territory. We know this because area militia has come upon destroyed and raided villages, and townships." He placed red dots on several places on the map, many of them far north of the southern line. "Up till now, the local forces have been able to handle them. But, after reviewing reports, area command has become, concerned." The colonel turned to his captains and scowled. "And, when they are troubled you all know what that means." The captains nodded and murmured quietly amongst themselves.
After about a minuet, the colonel cleared his throat and the place became gravely quiet. "After some consultation, I have decided that a single squadron of three troops should be made ready to move out should the regiment be called upon." He paused a bit and looked at their faces. "Now I haven’t made up my mind on who is to go. Needless to say, the squadron that goes will be the senior ones of the troop, with all the privileges and advantages there of." His continence turned forbidding "And the disadvantages..."
The colonel took a seat in front of the room. "Tonight, when you receive your reports from your sergeants. I want you to go over it with a fine tooth comb. and give em to my office before taps. My decision will be made tomorrow afternoon." He stood, and paused. "Good day gentlemen."
Captain Mendoza stood and filed out with the rest of the captains in contemplative thought.