Foxy & Dale

By Rubber Chicken

Screenplay 1: Dale's date

Two months had passed since the Winifred case had ended, it was during that case, Dale had met Foxglove, a small pink bat with a huge crush on him, at first, Dale was very shy around her but soon came to feel more comfortable the case went on, finally, when it ended and Winifred was arrested by the police, Foxy and Dale went their separate ways and seemingly forgot all about each other, until one sunny summer afternoon…

Dale: That’s right! Blast those evil space aliens!

Gadget: Dale, you’ve been watching TV all day, why won’t you let someone else watch something for a change?

Dale: Not now Gadget! It’s getting good!

Gadget gets up and walks into the hall where Chip is

Chip: Well, any luck?

Gadget: No. It’s hopeless; he’s obsessed with that Sci-Fi movie.

Chip: We have to get Dale away from the TV somehow, all that sitting and staring at a bright screen is bad for your eyes and health! And as a Rescue Ranger, bad health is the last thing you need!

Gadget: I tried…

Gadget walks away, leaving Chip to think

Chip: What could get Dale away from that TV?

Chip is thinking of a solution when suddenly, an idea hits him

Chip: I got it!

Chip walks into his room and shuts the door behind him

2 hours later…

Dale: Watch out! There’s one behind you!

Gadget: I can’t believe he’s STILL watching that movie!

Monty: Zipper n’ me tired to get em’ away, but he’s stuck to that TV like glue!

Gadget: I wish there was something we could do.

Suddenly Chip walks in the front door carrying a letter

Chip: Dale! You have a letter!

Dale: Ohh! That’s gotta hurt!

Chip: It’s from…FOXGLOVE!

Dale pauses

Dale: Foxglove?

Chip: You remember, Foxglove...your “girlfriend”?

Dale: She was NOT my girlfriend!

Chip: Was too!

Dale: Was not!

Chip: Was too!

Dale: Was not!

Gadget interrupts

Gadget: Chip, let Dale have the letter

Chip hands Dale the letter

Gadget: What does it say?

Dale reads letter

Dale: Dear Dale, Hello cutie, it’s me, Foxglove. I was wondering if you could meet me at the fountain in the park, I haven’t seen you in so long, I really hope you can come.
Love Foxy, XXX

Chip: Well Dale, are you going?

Dale: uh, well…I guess so.

Gadget: Excellent! You and Foxy haven’t seen each other in so long; I think it’s good you’re getting together again!

Chip: So do I!

Dale gets up and walks to the front door

Dale: Well, see you in a bit…

Gadget and Chip: Bye Dale!

Front door closes

Chip: I knew that would work…

Gadget: Knew what would work Chip?

Chip: Writing that letter to Dale.

Gadget: You wrote that letter?

Chip: Yes, and I also wrote one for Dale and gave it to Foxy.

Gadget: So they ARE going to meet…

Chip: Yeah, and we don’t have to worry about Dale watching TV the rest of the day either.

Gadget: Golly, you’re a genius Chip!

Chip gives a proud look

Chip: Yeah, I know.

Meanwhile in the park

Dale: I wonder what Foxy wants? I wonder what she wants to do? I haven’t seen her in so long, I wonder if she’s changed? Well, here I am, the fountain, where Foxy wants to meet me, but where is she?

Foxglove: Hello cutie.

Dale: Foxy?

Foxglove swoops down and lands in front of Dale

Dale: Um…hi Foxy.

Foxglove: You asked me to meet you here?

Dale: I did?

Foxglove giggles

Foxglove: Of course you did cutie! In your letter you sent me!

Dale: letter? What letter?

Foxglove: You don’t remember? Here, I brought it.

Foxglove hands Dale the letter, Dale begins to reading it

Dale: Dear Foxy, It’s Dale, I was wondering if you could meet me at the fountain in the park, I really want to see you again. Love Dale

Foxglove: I thought it was so sweet of you to write me that letter.

Dale: But you wrote me a letter.

Foxglove: I didn’t write you anything, cutie.

Dale: But, that’s why I came here, because you asked me to in your letter.

Foxglove: But you asked me!

Dale: No, you asked me!

Foxglove: But I didn’t.

Dale: I’m confused, if you didn’t write me, and I didn’t write you, then who…wait, I think I know who it was…

Foxglove: who?

Dale: Chip, he’s wanted me away from the TV all day, maybe he used the letter trick to lure me away.

Foxglove: It was a very clever idea.

Dale: It sure was, well, since neither of us have any reason to be here, we might as well go, well, nice seeing you again Foxy.

Dale starts to walk off but stops when he feels Foxglove’s wing touch his shoulder

Foxglove: Wait don’t go! We might as well do something together since we’re here.

Dale: Yeah, I guess so.

Foxglove: How about a stroll along the lakeside?

Dale: Well…ok.

Dale and Foxglove go down to the lakeside and start to walk together, as they walk, Dale feels Foxglove’s wing take his hand and hold it tight, it takes him by surprise but he doesn’t say anything. After taking a stroll, the couple goes to the drive-in theatre and sees a movie, then as morning comes, they returned to the park and climb up a tree where they sit on a branch and watch the sunrise:

It is 5:30 in the morning when Dale and Foxglove arrive back at Rescue Rangers headquarters, by this time they are just about dead on their feet, as Dale started to enter the HQ, he remembers that Foxglove is right behind him so he turns to face her and begins to speak…

Dale: Thanks for doing all that stuff with me Foxy, I enjoyed it a lot.

Foxglove: Your very welcome cutie, I’m glad I got to spend all that time with you.

Dale: Well, see ya.

Foxglove: Dale…

Foxglove grabs Dale’s shoulder as he starts to enter the HQ

Dale: Yes Foxy?

Foxglove: Dale how do you…oh, I can’t say this right now, I’m too sleepy, I’ll ask you tonight.

Dale: Ask me what? Foxy! Wait!

Foxglove: Goodbye cutie!

Dale stands alone on the front porch of Rescue Rangers Headquarters and watches Foxglove fly away into the horizon

Around the corner Screenplay 2 will be when it arrives.

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