All Smiles in the Darkness

By RedSwift


The club is dark as a band plays while the patrons dine. The clientele is animals of all walks of life and species. The band is a jazz band with a mouse on drums, a bird on the piano, three more mice on trombone, trumpet, and upright bass, and a beautiful chipmunk singing in a deep sultry voice. They play nice quiet dinner music, and the patrons don’t give them much notice, except one mouse up front.

“Wow, these guys can play, its so interesting to watch them,” Gadget said to the boys. They were all at a round table up front in their normal work clothes, enjoying their dinners.

Chip looks up and says, “Not really, the piano player could stand to tune it once in a while.”

“Yeah, and the bass can’t stay in tempo with the drums,” Dale adds in, he’s kind of in a bad mood since he’s missing prime movie time with Foxglove.

“Wow mates, I didn’t know you were musically inclined,” Monty said.

“Well, we don’t find much use for it anymore, and its kinda brings up a thing in our past we don’t like bringing up,” Chip said flatly.

“Hey, its not something I’m ashamed of, are you ashamed of it Chip?” Dale asked.

Monty decided to let it rest there and went back to his dinner. Gadget now had her curiosity piqued, but decided to talk to Dale about it later on when Chip wasn’t around.

As dinner progressed, Chip looked up and saw some shadowy figures by the restrooms, handing an envelope and a bag between them. His detective instincts take over and he nonchalantly makes his way over to get a closer look and see if he can catch any snippets of their conversation.

As he approaches, he sees the outlines of a mole and small cat, and hears the cat say “…the goods to Smiles.” To which the mole replies, “Well, Runt, here’s the ice for the shipment, its coming in at its normal time and place right. Runt just nods his head and gives a grunt. As they walk away out of the shadows, he notes that the mole is dressed in jeans and a white tank top, while the diminutive cat is wearing a suit, which while seeming a little old and beaten, still looks quite nice. They both leave the club, and Chip walks back towards his table.

Meanwhile, back at the table….

When Chip abruptly left, everyone shared puzzled looks. “Wonder where he’s off to.” Monty mumbled out loud.

“Think we should follow him,” Gadget queried.

“Nah, its out night off, if he wants to go ahead and work, I say let him,” Dale replied.

“Oh, OK.”

Everyone resumes eating and watching the show as Chip flops back down into his chair.

“Well guys, I think I found another case.”

Groans go around as everyone remembers the past week, dealing with yet another of Nimnul’s hairbrained schemes.

“Come on guys, it’ll take a lot of investigating first, but from what little I have, its something we might be able to do.”

As Chip explains what he’d heard, everyone looks quizzically at him. Monty finally voices the group’s mindset, “Not to be negative or anythin mate, but where do you plan on goin wit any of this, I mean all you have is shady dealings and two names. Not much to go off if you ask me.”

“Well, I have some contacts that may be of help.”

“I’m still not convinced.”

“OK, how’s this, I’ll do some work on it off to the side, and if I dig anything up worthwhile, we’ll take the case. How’s that sound.”

Everyone nods their heads in agreement and stand up to leave for home.

Disclaimer: The Rangers, Nimnul and Foxglove are Copyright Disney. Used without permission but with the utmost respect. Runt and Smiles are figments of my imagination trying to get out. You may post this story in any way, so long as you don’t modify my words or gain profit from it. (Boy, isn’t all this legal mumbo jumbo fun?)

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