A Romance for the Romantics
By Rachel Helvey Gloess
Authors note: Ok, this is just a rough little piece that I worked up . . . it's just a sappy little scene I imagined after some postings on the main board about Gadget's knowledge (or lack thereof) of romance/dating. Enjoy!
(Oh, and if anyone could think of a title, it would be much appreciated!)
Gadget sighed and tightened a bolt on her strange looking device. She
pushed her hair back with a greasy hand. Although she knew what her invention
was supposed to do, but it just wasnt wanting to cooperate. She stood
back and flipped the switch. The machine shuddered, wheezed, and fell silent.
Shaking her head, Gadget flipped the switch to the off position. The snow blower/leaf
rake/de-icer for the Headquarters runway simply would not be fixed today.
Gadget tossed the wrench over her shoulder. But it never landed.
Gadget looked back, startled. Chip was standing there, the wrench in his hand.
He glanced and it, then grinned at Gadget. Hard day?
Gadget nodded, tears coming to her eyes. Chips grin faded.
Are you alright?
Gadget sat down on the floor. Chip, I just dont understand.
She looked up at him with big blue eyes. Have I lost my touch?
Chip knelt down next to Gadget and set down the wrench. What do you mean?
Gadget held her head in her hands. It just seems that nothing has really
worked right in the past two weeks. I havent been able to even fix the
Well, Chip reasoned, Dale really shouldnt have tried
to toast acorns.
And I couldnt fix the transistor radio.
I dont think anything would work after its been doused in
cheese chowder.
And the incident with the Ranger Plane.
Well, didnt you say once-
I know, how many times can the wings fall off a plane. When
will everyone forget that?
Chip patted her arm. Now, Gadget. Lets look at the big picture.
Two weeks of down time in ten years. I dont think thats
anything to worry about.
Gadget paused before answering. You really think so?
Chip nodded. Definitely. He stood, then helped Gadget to her feet.
How about a late snack?
Gadget looked at the wall-mounted watch and gasped. Its already
Chip nodded, laughter in his eyes. Dales just getting started on
late night TV. That is, after the news. He took Gadgets arm in his
and escorted her out to the kitchen. Monty was there, doing the last of the
Nice to see ya, Gadget-luv.
Thanks, Monty. Gadget spontaneously hugged the Aussie mouse.
I saved ya some o me fondue. Monty motioned to the fondue
pot, still accompanied by slices of bread, crackers, and sliced fruit. He finished
drying a dish and placed it in the cupboard. He winked at Chip. Im
headin off ta bedme an Zip gotta get up early to catch
a chee-ee-eese ship! Monty was on the brink of a cheese attack, but managed
to keep in control. Just clean up afta yourselves. He hummed
a merry tune as he left the pair to themselves.
Gadget hadnt realized how famished she had become while working on the
Ranger . . . . well, come to think about it, she hadnt even thought of
a name for her invention. She began to devour the meal. She paused only when
she noticed that Chip was staring at her from across the table. Um, Chip?
Something wrong?
Chip shook himself back into reality. In truth, he had been staring at Gadget.
He groped for an answer. Oh, ah, you have grease on your face. He
reached out with a finger and wiped her face. He showed her the evidence.
Gadget giggled at herself. I guess I need to stock up on some wet wipes.
She scrubbed at her cheek with a napkin.
No, no, youre not getting it. Chip walked around the table
and sat next to her. He took the napkin and wiped Gadgets face gently.
She sat still for a moment as he tried to clean her face.
Chip tried not to stare again. He finished wiping off the grease. Gadget turned
to look at him. Well? Is it off? Her eyes met his. Chip?
Oh, yeah. I got it. His mind felt foggy. He remained facing Gadget.
Gadget laughed, albeit nervously. Golly, Chip. You look like youve
been hit with one of Nimnuls ray guns.
He gave her a wry grin and looked away. Nah, Im fine.
Gadget raised an eyebrow. Are you sure?
Chip nodded. Positive.
Gadget resumed eating, then stopped after realizing that Chip hadnt moved.
Gee, is there something you need?
Chip shrugged. Well, if youre up to it, Id like to take a
walk tonight.
Tonight? Chip, its probably 11:30 by now!
Well, if you dont want to . . . Chip took a bite of cheese-covered
No, thats not what I meant. I just thought that you liked to go
to bed early.
Chip winkedhe actually winked! Gadget thought. Dales not the
only chipmunk in the house that can stay up late. Chip leaned closer.
Sowhat do you say?
Gadget hesitated, and ate a big bite of un-cheesy orange to conceal her indecision.
Well, alright.
Chip practically glowed. Great. Suddenly, he became a little nervous.
Are you sure its alright?
Gadget nodded. As long as youre fine.
Chip finally eased back from her. Well, Ill go grab a scarf. You
need anything?
Gadget shook her head, her mouth full. She swallowed, then spoke. I think
Ill be ok; I dont usually need to wear a coat or anything.
Ill let you finish, then. Be back in a few minutes.
Gadget just shook her head and giggled. Chip left the room, taking only a moment
to stop and smile back at her. Then he was gone. Gadget polished off another
rodent-sized apple wedge before feeling full and satisfied. She was curious
at Chips behavior. She knew that he liked to flirt with her, and occasionally
flirted back. But he had never been this forward . . . but somehow, she liked
it! It gave her a little tingly feeling. Of course, she thought Chip was handsome.
But that wasnt what was so attractive about the chipmunk. His determination,
his drive, his sincerity, his love for his job. They were similar in a lot of
Her thoughts were interrupted by Chips reappearance. Ready?
Sure! Gadget jumped up to join Chip. They exited through the front
door, much to Dales disdain.
Hey, guys! Youre gonna miss Conan!
Thats ok, Dale. Fill us in later. Chip ushered Gadget through
the door as hurriedly as gentlemanly possible. If Dale was prodded, he would
keep trying to reel them in, and they would be stuck watching late shows and
B-movies until at least 3:00 in the morning.
The air was crisp. Fall had fully set in, and the autumn moon shone orange through
the branches. Gadget felt her breath being taken away as she spotted the stars
above. She paused, taking a moment to stare at the sky. Chip stopped as well.
Golly. Gadget marveled. Chip gave her a quick smile, then slightly
tugged at her arm.
Cmon, he whispered. It gets better. Gadget, still
in awe, followed. Chip led her further up into the branches until they came
to a very flat branch. It was almost like a platform, Gadget realized. They
were so close to the top of the tree that there were no other branches blocking
the view of the stars. Well? Chip asked. What do you think?
Gadget looked around. It then dawned on her that the platform had actually been
carved out of the branch. She looked at the floor, then at Chip,
then at the floor, then back at Chip, her eyes wide. You did this?
Chip nodded. It took me almost a year.
When did you have time?
Chip shrugged. Oh, downtime between cases, early in the morning, sometimes
even late at night.
Well, Im impressed.
Thanks. Chip sat down and stared at the sky. He then motioned for
Gadget to do the same.
Gosh, Chip. This is beautiful. She settled down near him.
Chips cheeks reddened. Im glad you like it. Its sortamy
own little place.
Gadget wrapped her arms around her knees. Thank you for sharing this with
me, Chip. Its really extraordinary.
Chip was silent for a moment. Well . . . Gadget, youre really extraordinary.
His heart seemed to stop. He couldnt believe hed actually said that.
He closed his eyes, embarrassed. He then felt a touch on his arm. He tentatively
opened his eyes to see Gadget gazing at his face.
Chip, is that what everything was about tonight?
Wh-what are you talking about?
Gadget blushed. Tonight at dinner. I mean, you were flirting, werent
Chip covered his eyes with one hand. Im sorry, Gadget. I dont
know what I was thinkingI mean, I
No! Gadget held up a hand to stop him. I didnt mean
it like that. He stared at her. She stared back, unsure of how to continue.
I meant to say . . . I guess . . . I kinda liked it.
Chip raised an eyebrow, questioning. Was she kidding? Of course not; Gadget
would never say anything to make someone feel silly or hurt. At least, not on
purpose, he reminded himself. Youyou liked it?
Gadget bit her lip and stared at the ground. I guess so. I mean, technically,
its probably nothing but a bunch of chemicals rushing around in my brain
and my synapses might just be firing too quickly, but-
She was cut off by Chip spontaneously taking her face in his hands. Her blue
eyes widened as he stared deeply into their depths. For the first time in her
life, she lost the ability to speak. Words failed her as she gazed into Chips
dark eyes.
Gadget. I want you to be honest with me. Chip took a deep breath.
Would youcould youthink of me as . . . more than a friend?
He let the implication work its way into her mind.
Gadget blinked, uncertain of what she was hearing. Chip, do you mean .
. . that you want to date me?
He pulled away slightly. Well, I suppose. The thing is . . . well, date
sounds like something that high school kids do.
Gadget grinned. Well, actually, Ive never been on a date. I dont
think that the trip to the opera or going to the drive-in with all of you really
Chip smiled, in spite of his nervousness. No, I doubt it.
She took one of his hands into both of hers. I would be honored if you
would be my first date. Right here, tonight. She giggled, then became
serious. Um, Chip?
Yes, Gadget?
What do you do on a date?
He squeezed her hands. Well, sometimes you hold hands.
Ok. Should I take notes? Gadget began to look a tiny bit worried.
Chip shook his head. Dont worry about messing up, he said
reassuringly. Dates just . . . just flow.
Alright. What else do I need to know?
Chip shrugged. Mostly, you just be togetheras a couple. Some people
go out to eat, some go to a movie, others go for a walk.
Some look at the stars, Gadget reminded him, now looking more relaxed.
Chip nodded. Rightyoure catching on.
Ok, I think I got it. You go do something together, and just let things
Anything else I need to know? She shivered a little as a chilly
breeze moved the branches around them.
Chip grew a touch bolder. Well, sometimes, when its cold, a couple
will stay close to stay warm. He invited her to move closer. And she did.
Gadget snuggled against Chips side. The leather of his jacket was surprisingly
soft to the touch. She began to catch on to his little game, and was curious
to see where it led. And? she prompted.
Chip swallowed hard. Well, sometimes the lady lets the gentleman put his
arm around her.
Gadget smiled. That doesnt sound too bad.
Chip didnt move.
Chip? Are you alright?
He nodded, his bravado melting away with her nearness. Fine. Im
fine. He gulped. Gadget, are you . . . ok with this?
Gadget thought for a minute. Here she was, alone with Chip, pressed against
him in the cold with the stars shining above. She looked up at him. You
know, I am. This is really nice. She moved another fraction closer. And
I am cold.
Chip was shaking a bit, but not from the cold. He gently placed his arm around
her. They sat like that for several moments, not moving, not speaking. The stars
captured their eyes for the time being, but not their minds.
Gadget spoke first. Chip? she whispered.
Thank you for the date.
He turned his head and met her eyes. No, Gadget. I wanted to thank you.
For everything.
Gadget was confused. Everything?
Chip continued. Youre not just the brains of the team, Gadget. Youre
the heart. You encourage us, keep us goingand not just with words, but
with your actions. Gadget, youyou keep me centered. You let me know when
I cross the line. You keep me in check. And II just want to let you know
how special you are to the Rangers. He paused, and took a breath. And
how special you are . . . to me. He tentatively raised a hand and touched
her hair. Gadget felt her breath stop as some unseen force brought the two together.
Somewhere far back in Gadgets brain, a counter tickedthe second
time in her life that she had been speechless.
When the kiss was broken, Chip didnt know what to say. He was simply dumbfounded
that he had found the guts to finally kiss Gadget.
Gadget brought her hand to her lips. Her first real kiss. She smiled. So,
do people do that- on dates?
Chip couldnt hold back a chuckle as he replied. Yes, sometimes.
If everything goes well. He was not prepared for what happened next.
Gadget wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. After a few breathless moments,
they parted. Gadget spoke before Chip could say a word. I think everythings
going very- well.
Disclaimer: All characters featured in this work are the property of Disney. No copyright laws were meant to be violated. Any semblance to any other work (fan fiction or otherwise) about the Rescue Rangers is purely coincidental.