By Cyber Daimyo
Part Eleven
Gadget Hackwrench: And welcome back to Rescue Rangers Celebrity Jeopardy. I still don't know why that wacky lamebrain, Merv Griffin, and that crazy Rescue Ranger Shogun, Cyber Daimyo, are preventing me from quitting the show, but I got no choice, but to continue the fun and games. With that said, let's check out the scores. Acorn Cafe member, Drake, has negative $2,600.
Drake: [ puts his hands on his face and screams like in the Home Alone movies ]
Gadget Hackwrench: Okay. That was definitely unbelievable. Harriet has a score of negative $5,400.
Harriet: Hey there, Gadget. It is great to be on the show. Time for Jeopardy! Oh yeah! My husband loves it! Your mother loves it! And so does everybody!
Gadget Hackwrench: I know, Harriet. [ talking to herself in her thoughts ] Thank Einstein that that crazy maniac, Mepps, has taken another vacation and I hope that he is never going to come back on the stage again. And finally, Bink, the little girl from the Rescue Rangers episode, Adventures in Squirrelsitting, in a commanding lead with $4.
Bink: Yay! [ claps hands ]
Gadget Hackwrench: That's right, Bink. Just keep on enjoying this by not insulting me, just like what Mepps did to me. It's time for Double Jeopardy and let's take a look at the board. And the categories are: Potent Potables, Name That Tune, Colors, Famous Cartoon Cartoons, which are some of the greatest cartoons that aired on Cartoon Network, Weather, Medieval Japan, and finally, Rescue Rangers. Bink, you are in the lead, so go ahead and pick a category.
Bink: Gimme Tammy for uh, $600.
Gadget Hackwrench: That is not a category.
Bink: How about Weather for $600.
Gadget Hackwrench: Whatever. This type of weather has blue sky without any clouds. [ Harriet buzzes in ] Harriet.
Harriet: What?
Gadget Hackwrench: [ slightly impatient ] What type of weather has blue sky without any clouds?
Harriet: I don't know. What part of America are you from?
Gadget Hackwrench: I am from New York, Darn it. [ Drake buzzes in ] Drake.
Drake: I got no idea.
Gadget Hackwrench: Then why did you ring in?
Drake: Because it's fun.
Gadget Hackwrench: Unbelievable. The answer is a clear weather. Bink, the board is still yours.
Bink: Gimme Name That Tune.
Gadget Hackwrench: For how much?
Bink: Um... $3,000! [ giggles ]
Gadget Hackwrench: Okay. Name That Tune for $400. This is an audio clue so name this tune. Listen. [ Tarzan Boy by Baltimora plays ] [ no responses from anyone ] Anybody? [ Drake buzzes in ] Drake.
Drake: What is George of the Jungle. [ buzzer ]
Gadget Hackwrench: No! Let's just end this. Final Jeopardy. The caetegory is Christmas. Just write down anything that deals with Christmas. [ Present Day Final Jeopardy Music begins ] We'll accept presents or candy cane. Santa Claus show work as well. Or better yet, December. Just write down anything you see on Christmas day. [ Music ends ] Now let's view the scores. Drake, let's see what you answered: Cyber Daimyo. That's nice. And you wagered: Is a cool man.
Drake: I don't know what the heck has gotten into my mind, but he's some kind of a Medieval Japan related Rescue Rangers fan.
Gadget Hackwrench: Right. Moving on to Harriet. Let's see her answer: The Big Bad Wolf. Let me guess. He's part of the Golden Step Ahead cartoons, huh? Let's look at your wager: Is going to pay.
Harriet: That's right, Gadget. And if I ever see that crazy wolf steal anything from the supermarket again, he's going to pay.
Gadget Hackwrench: Whatever. Let's see what Bink managed to come up
with: December 25th. Well, technically, that is the correct answer, and you
wagered: Tammy, my favorite sister. [ Bink giggles ] Well, That is that for
Rescue Rangers Celebrity Jeopardy. I am going home to set up a garage sale.
Good day. [ Bink dances around the stage as Gadget leaves the stage ]