Rescue Rangers Celebrity Jeopardy

By Cyber Daimyo

Part Ten

Gadget Hackwrench: Welcome back to "Celebrity Jeopardy" It's been an exciting first round. That's said, let's take a look at the scores. Mepps has negative 16,500 dollars.

Mepps: Darn you and your daily doubles you freak! One day it'll be my turn, Gadget!

Gadget Hackwrench: Great. Irwina Allen, with an amazing negative $58,000. Good job.

Irwina Allen: [ quietly like all of her lines ] Thank you.

Gadget Hackwrench: And finally, Percy is in the lead with $8.

Percy: You got lights, you've got cameras - rockin' technology!

Gadget Hackwrench: Don't know how anyone can get $8, but better luck to all of you in the next round. It's time for Double Jeopardy. Let's take a look at the board. And the categories are.. Potent Potables; The Pen is Mightier.. that category is quotes from famous authors, so you'll all probably be more comfortable with our next category..; Shiny Objects; continuing with Opposites; Things you Shouldn't Put in Your Mouth; What Time is It?; and, finally, Months That Start With Feb. Percy you're in the lead, so we'll start with you.

Percy: Who.. what? Where...

Gadget Hackwrench: Okay, Irwina Allen, why don't you pick a category?

Irwina Allen: Um no.. pass.

Gadget Hackwrench: You'll pass. Very smart. Okay, Mepps, why don't you pick?

Mepps: Ah! Well met! I'll take Months That Start With Feb, Gadget.

Gadget Hackwrench: For how much?

Mepps: Suprise me, you filthy street rat!

Gadget Hackwrench: Okay, that's completely unnecessary. Months That Start With Feb for $800. This is the only month that starts with Feb. [ Mepps buzzes in ] Mepps?

Mepps: Febtober! [ buzzer ]

Gadget Hackwrench: No. [ Allen buzzes in ] Irwina Allen.

Irwina Allen: What is.. Febturday? [ buzzer ]

Gadget Hackwrench: No.

Mepps: [ Points to Allen as he giggles ] She said turd!

Gadget Hackwrench: I hate you! The answer was February. That's the month that begins with Feb. It was last month!

Mepps: Aha! A trick question!

Gadget Hackwrench: Yeah, it was a trick question, Mepps. Why don't you pick a category?

Mepps: I've got to ask you about the Peanut Butter.

Gadget Hackwrench: With-what? No. No, no, no, no, no, no that's-that's The Pen is Mightier.

Mepps: You can use it all up on you sandwiches as much as you want, Gadget. What matters is does it taste great? Will it really brighten up my lunch hour, girl?

Gadget Hackwrench: It's not a food product, Mepps.

Mepps: Because I've ordered those products before - wasted a pretty penny, I don't mind telling you. And if peanut butter tastes great, I'll order a dozen.

Gadget Hackwrench: It's not peanut butter, Mepps. It's not even on the board!

Percy: Wait, wait, wait.. are you selling peanut butter?

Gadget Hackwrench: No! No, I'm not.

Mepps: Well, you're sitting on a gold mine, Gadget!

Gadget Hackwrench: Right, all right.. say, let's move on to Final Jeopardy, that should be a lot of fun. And the category is: The Federalist Papers. Wait, wait, you know what? I'm sorry, that's my bad. That's for regular "Jeopardy" that we're taping later today. Your category is: Horsies. All you have to do is tell me "Are Horsies pretty?" [ The 1980s Final Jeopardy music starts as the celebrities scribble some answers ] Yes or no, we'll except either answer. "Are Horsies pretty?". Keep in mind, there's no wrong answer. Horsies. [ music stops ] And let's see what all of you wrote. We'll start with you, Percy, you wrote.. and your podium is gone.

Percy: I don't know where it went, I'm confused.

Gadget Hackwrench: You lost you podium? I don't see.. you know what - I don't care. Let's move on. Irwina Allen.

Irwina Allen: [ louder than normal ] What? What?

Gadget Hackwrench: Settle down, just relax. You wrote.. [ a blank screen appears ] nothing. And your wager.. [ a blank screen appears again ] nothing.

Irwina Allen: [ in a whisper ] The pen was too heavy.

Gadget Hackwrench: Fair enough. Mepps?

Mepps: We meet again.

Gadget Hackwrench: Let's see your answer.. [ screen reads "Buck" ] I guess that's your wager. A buck, fine. And you answer is.. [ screen reads "Hunter" ] Hunter. Buck Hunter, I don't..I don't get it.

Mepps: Ohhhh.. I think you do, Gadget. I think you do, indeed!

Gadget Hackwrench: Well, thanks for joining us..

Mepps: [ yelling ] Buck Hunter!!

Gadget Hackwrench: Fine, whatever. [ Mepps laughs ] That's it for "Celebrity Jeopardy".. [ shaking head ] I don't know..

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