The Failed Tale of Robin Dale
Deleted Scenes of Part Three- Cliffhangers Galore
By Chip Chap
Notes from Chip Chap:
Okay everyone, I know I sound like a broken record but... oh well lets do this properly.
Chip Chap pulls out an antique record player and puts a broken record on it.
Broken record: Feel free to give me any suggestions...Feel free to give me any suggestions...Feel free to give me any suggestions...
Chip Chap turns off the record player.
Okay now onto the one scene that I took out.
This was just a little tidbit that I took out right after Foxy remarked on how all the villagers were pretending ot be poor, I went a little overboard with the idea and it could have messed things up a lot. (I thought up the idea when I noticed that everyone in the Disney version of Robin Hood looked all poor and sick)
Lou looks out the window and watches as a mother rabbit motions to her twenty
bouncing happy children and they all start dragging their feet and holding their
stomachs, a few let out pitiful moans and one flops over on the ground while
two others begin carrying his limp figure in a stretcher.
Lou (his idealism shattered):
What!! I cant believe it. This whole town is populated by con artists!
(Lou starts thinking) But I dont recall arresting anyone in the past few
Lou walks off screen and screams.
What are you kids doing in the jail cells?! This isnt a playground! I
dont care if you are playing oppressed masses you shouldnt
be in here!
A few young squirrels and mice run out the door.
Lou (frowning as he takes he returns to his seat):
Oh, this is ridiculous. I cant believe that a whole town would do something
like this! Im outta here!
Lou leaves the room in a fit
Well, thats all folks!