Act Two

By 8-Bit Star


I'm assuming you can figure it out, but parts
one through ten were in Mind Media, Act One.

------Now let's pick up where we left off------


"Frog! Pennywinkel! You can fly, abandon ship!
Save yourselves!"
"I utterly refuse!" Frog said.
"Fine, no reason to abandon ship anyway," Pennywinkel
"What?" Chip asked, "Why?"
"Because by the Law of Plot Convenvience, in a situation
where escape looks impossible and the hero can not devise their
own means out of a predicament, some external source always--"

It was about there that our dear ship had sunk, and we
had seen Dimm and Mademanna flying over head, one wondering
what had happened to her friends, the other, his enemies.
Are they alive?
Are they conscious?
Are they dry?
Does suspense suck?


When Pennywinkel woke up, she found it was again day.
She also found that the Rangers, the MST3K guys, and Frog
had landed on the same beach she had. Apparently Joel and
Mike had woken up earlier than her, because they had built
a fire and had moved all the unconscious people into a position
around it.
Coughing a bit, just in case, she said "I was right,
wasn't I?"
They looked at her, and Mike said "I dunno... did you
say there would be an island?"
"But," Joel said, "She *did* say an external source
would save us."
"Oh, well, she didn't say it would be an *island!*
"So? Only she could predict that we would be saved!
*No One* can accurately predict the method!"
"I can," she said.
"See? Even she admits it!" Mike sayeth. "But all she
said was that we would be *saved* oh, well, *anyone* can tell
you that."
"What is the point?" Pennywinkel asked.
"Oh, we're just waiting for everyone else to wake up,
so we needed a debateable topic that could sustain us this
whole time. We flipped A coin to see who would be the
Pennywinkel looked at the island. From her vantage
point, she could see a huge mountain, probably a volcano,
in the middle. The trees were all palm-type around the
beach, but became just normal after that. Near the volcano,
she could see what looked like some sort of radio center,
but she could see no runway.
Then Gadget woke up, looked around, and said "Golly!
Is everyone okay?"
"Umm," Joel said, "They're all alive, just unconscious."
"Really? Where's Mademanna?" Then realization struck
Gadget as she remembered the last few events on the ship.
"Oh, I hope she's all right..."
"She should be," Pennywinkel said, "Her internal systems
were designed to sustain her for at least a thousand years,
probably more. Besides that, she was designed for survival
as well as companionship."
"Oh, really?"
"Oh, sure, she's got internal food reproduction systems
which break down all the nutrients she 'digests' into what is
supposed to be a tasty yet incredibly healthy formula. That's
pretty much the only reason we have to feed her. We haven't
ever made use of that particular feature, however."
"So... if she's alive, there's a chance Demon Master Mind
is alive too?"
"Given the campy nature of this fanfic?"
"I guess I should've known."

Within minutes, *everyone* had awakened, wondered what
happened, and thanked Allah (or whatever god they believe in)
that they were safe.
After getting their brains together, Chip said "Right,
so our primary mission now is to find and save Mademanna, we
have every reason to believe she is on this island. Any
Frog immediately got up, walked towards the beach, almost
to the part where the water could touch his feet, and said
"This isn't directly related to finding my sister, but I've
got to scan the parameter of this island. You'll understand
why a few chapters from now."
"Fine," Chip said, not wanting to argue with one of
Frog's ideas, not because they were any good but because
doing so would block any *intelligent* discussion. After
Frog left, Pennywinkel chimed up and said "If I may say
so, I noticed what looked like some sort of Radio Control
center near the volcano."
"How can you tell it's a volcano?"
"Look at the top. The top of a mountain would be
noticeably skinnier than that."
"But suppose what we can see below the clouds is
nowhere near the top of it?"
"Then its a damn big mountain."
"I see. So, you saw a Radio Control station?"
"Yes, like a type of hidden installation they'd bring
down airplanes in, like in that one episode of Scooby Doo,"
The Bermuda Triangle episode, "except this one has no runway."
"Sounds like a place to check out. Onward, men!"

Frog had ran a good ways, and he stopped, and flew upwards
to see his relative position. This seemed about right, so he
flew downward and landed. Now to find some sticks. Ah, here's
some sticks! He picked up two sticks, and put then into the
ground in a way where they formed an X-Formation. Then he
continued running the parameter of the island, never once
thinking of simply *flying*.

Well, they were marching onward towards the installation.
Eventually, they got to the brush right around it, where they
hid and watched, expecting some sort of demon guard.
"Looks safe enough," Chip said. Then he noticed Pennywinkel
was looking over her shoulder, and said "Did you hear something?"
"No, but it's a movie cliche in situations like this.
The heroes are watching something, and the whole time an enemy
unit is sneaking up on them."
"I see."
"I don't. So far the coast is clear."
And then all the demons appeared, coming out of a door in
the back of the Radio Thingy, followed closely by the Demon
Master Mind and Mademanna.
Dimm called out "Fellow monsters and imbeciles, I have
come to announce that my friend here is soon to be my queen,
when I destroy the Rangers and remake the Rangerverse into
my own."
"Ah, so *that's* his evil devious plan!" Crow whispered.
"But first, I have to destroy the Rangers and all their
allies--who by the way are over in that bush--And so, I bid
you: Kill the Rangers when I say *go*!"

Chip and Pennywinkel were thinking undertime, after a
few seconds they had already come up with a plan.
"Guys," Chip said, "Here's my plan. No more running,
when I say 'Banzai' everybody grab anything that looks like
it could be used as a weapon, and..."


"Banzai!" Chip yelled as all went to arms.
The demons heard and were quite alarmed.
Out of that bush, came all sorts of girls and guys,
Including two chipmunks, two mice, and a fly,
And they were out to
Kill the Demon!
Kill the Demon!
Kill the Demon!
Kill the Demon!
Beat it, Bash it,
squish it, smash it,
Kill the Demon, NOW!
"Okay, Geez!" said my reviewers. "How many times can
one guy parody one stupid song?
May I enquire if this will take long?"
"Forever if I do say and what I say goes!
What I plan next nobody knows!
I hate my evil twin and he hates me, whaddya
want me to do, just sing hi-diddly dee? Well
I hate you too."
The Rangers and MST3K guys contined to
Chase the Demons,
Chase the Demons,
Chase the Demons,
Chase the Demons,
To kill them, crush them,
spill them, smush them,
Chase the demons, WHY?

Okay, okay, I'm going just a *little* too far.
In any case, Dimm realised everything was not going
well, his monsters were lost and this 'fic went to
hell. Dimm took his hostage and ran past a fountain,
and exclaimed "Ha Ha, they'll never catch me, going
right up this volcanic mountain!"
Chip watched Dimm run off, Pennywinkel by his
side, and he asked "Later, should we tell Frog what
kind of hack-brained insanity he's missing?"

Oh, and Frog was still running the parameter,
every once in awhile stopping to put those sticks
in place. I bet yer wondering what he's up to. Well,
ARE YA? You ain't gonna find out any time soon!

Pennywinkel answered Chip's question, by saying
"Nah, Frog would never forgive himself for missing this
kind of stupidity. So, are we gonna follow Dimm?"
"Sure, but where should we go to follow him?"
"Up the mountain."
"Up the mountain."
"Up the mountain."
"Up the mountain?"
"YES! Up the mountain! That *is* where he said
he was going, right? And besides all his guards are
concentrated at his pathway up the mountain."
"But it could be a trap!"
"From that brainless dolt? His traps would be
about as effective as Mademanna's!"
So they nodded in agreement, and Chip gathered
the group who were all bashing a bunch of demons
(many of which were yelling "Uncle") and said "Bash
the demons!"
So they bashed the guarding demons, who while they
seemed scary were really not that hard and furthermore
weren't worth much EXP. Now everyone was going up the
mountain and having a thrill rush, and YA CAN'T STOP
On the way up they had to put up with all sorts of
monsters, such as the Lava Loving Fried Fish and the
Pathetic Platy-Parrot. This mountain turned out to be
a great place to gain EXP. Chip got just a bit more
crazy, Dale got a bit smarter, Gadget learned how to
invent the Atomic Bomb, Joel learned Power Level 2
Cynicism, Crow learned respect, Tom Servo learned
Ultima (Exodus). Oh yea, and Mike learned that Joel
really was better :).
Pennywinkel? She learned that anime villains
really *do* prefer underage girls.

Almost to the top of the mountain, the group found
a save point, and fortunately Pennywinkel had a tent.
Their HP and MP was healed, but when they woke up, they
saw that there was a timer at the upper-left hand corner
of the screen. It said they had twenty minutes left, so
they scuttled on up the mountain, where they had to face
the bossiest boss duo yet: Puppy Cat and Kitty Dog!
Puppy Cat launched the first attack. She hissed
and pounced on Chip who dodged to the left, right into
Kitty Dog, but Chip still had that Mega-Magic-Total-Tonage-
Terminal-Termination-Pistol (You know, the MMTTTT) that
he had found just lying around in a plot hole somewhere,
and that he shot Kitty Dog with. Kitty Dog lost 1000HP.
Dale just did whatever came naturally, even something
as useless as, say, cowering in fear (Anyone but me having
Earthbound Flashbacks?) or running off to get a beer.
Gadget, being the genious, invented the atomic bomb
and shoved it down Puppy Cat's mouth. Unfortunately, it
only did 700HP of damage. Realising this from the little
white numbers appearing above the monster's adorable little
head, she decided to dig up a plot hole like Chip did and
find one of those MMTTTTs. She found pieces of a crashed
UFO, a nonexistant Pokemon card, a man who would not shut
up, and this fanfic's script, but otherwise nothing useful.
So she climbed out and said "Sorry Chip, I'm out of
options! And we've only got fifteen minutes left!"


I bet you're wondering what that timer is about,
aren't you? To understand that, we have to get back to
As you remember, he was running around the parameter
of the island, the 60s Batman theme playing in the background.
Every once in awhile he would place sticks in an X-Formation.
Well, he had run around the whole island now, and knew what
to do.
So he began flying, got a ways out to sea, and flew
around the parameter until he saw one of his X-Formations,
which he proceeded to blast with a Megahameha (A really
powerful version of Dragon Ball's Kamehameha that appears
only in the games). This blast went through the sticks,
into the island, and destroyed part of it's foundation.
He did this with all the other X-formations, destroying
foundations (which of course Isaac Asimov would not approve)
and probably killing a bunch of monsters. Finally the
island *had* no foundation and was sinking.

When the sinking started was when the Timer began.
Now it was only fifteen minutes before the island was
totally submerged.
Gadget repeated "Chip, I'm out of ideas!"
"I have one," Pennywinkel stated, and she did her
powerful Absolute Confustication Attack on the two boss
monsters. What attack is that, you might ask? Simple,
it's where she convinces me that my life sucks and cajoles
me into talking about it, after which I realise I've actually
got a better life than most people I know, and the monsters
wonder what the point was until finally the frustration
makes them commit suicide and they explode. Then our
heroes continued running up the mountain.
Finally they reached the top, where Pennywinkel
pointed out that she was right and it actually *is* a
volcano. Albeit a volcano with grating on the top,
preventing the possibility of falling into the lava,
but a volcano nonetheless.
So Dimm said "So, you want a final battle? And
what is with that stupid timer?"
Frog flew in through a plot hole just then, and said
"Hey, the island is sinking everyone. I know that for a fact.
I made it happen!"
So everyone except Mademanna yelled "Frog, you IDIOT!"
"That's what I get for building a universe using Geo-
Mod technology" Dimm said, "But it matters not, for I have
*this!*" and he pulled out what looked like a really, really
shiny CD.
"What the hell is that?" Chip asked.
"It is the Mind Media, the all-powerful device that
allows me to create, control, and destroy worlds at my leisure!"
Chip batted it out of Dimm's hand, saying "Whatever."
When he did, however, it started flying around in the air,
and made noise and motions not unlike that one twirly firework
that no one can ever get to work right. Then it exploded.
"You foo-el!" said Dimm, "That was our only chance
for escape! It doesn't matter, I'll destroy you now and
then my creator may rescue me."
"I'd like to see you try," Chip challenged.
"Oh, you would, would you?" Dimm said, standing facing
Chip, toe-to-toe-to-toe-to-toe-to-toe...
When suddenly a blunt painful sensation came over
his head, he felt water trickle down, and heard Mademanna
say, authoritavely, "Play nice, boys--what?"
What indeed. Dimm, who had previously been black with
black wearing black on black, was now switching between that
and white with white wearing white on white. Black on black
to white on white, and occasionally white on black and black
on white.
Chip looked at what Mademanna had hit Dimm with, and
was surprised to see the Wine Bottle, the one that would
determine their avatar. Mademanna saw Chip giving her that
"Why did you have to do that?" stare, and she hid the bottle
behind her and played innocent.
Dimm was yelling in a wierd mix of pleasure and agony.
And in a fit of Yo's and Nes's, he writhed in pain,
stretched in pleasure, took the good, took the bad, mix 'em
all, and there he had the facts of life.
Then *I* appeared, on a cloud this time, and said "Hey
guys, your universe is fixed! I can take ya back now--what
the hell happened to HIM?!?!"
"He's our avatar, mate!" Monty said.
"But ain't he the bad guy?"
"Yea, that's the funny thing."
"Well, please, his stupid screams are making me deaf.
"I have just the thing!" Gadget said as she pulled
out a Super Thick Grating Cutter, and cut the grating in
the circumference of where the guy who had a lot of misery
to be put out of was. When she was done, the grating fell
beneath him, and he went a plummetin'.
So then I said "Yes! Now that he's gone, you guys
are safe. Time to go back home. There, the portal is open.
Hurry! Before you sink!"
So they all hurried before they sank because nobody
wanted to take a bath until they got some sleep. But before
they did, the MST3K guys told the Rangers "Well, we're gonna
miss you guys."
"Same here."
"Not to worry," said I, "I can set it up so you two
can communicate via your television, kinda like me. Yes
I *am* all for happy, lighthearted endings. Just *go*!!!"
They just *went*! I shut the portal. The island sunk,
then the whole universe of this fanfic exploded, and all was


Chip, Dale, Zipper, Monty, and Gadget landed back in
their headquarters. They got up, and Gadget said "Hey,
where are Frog, Mademanna, and Pennywinkel?"
I appeared on their TV just then, and said "Sorry,
guys, but your universe is too unstable to accept non-
canonical characters right now. If I allowed them back
in, all my work would cave in. They're gonna have to
stay with the others for about two weeks."
Chip smiled the smile that says he's got a scheme,
and said "That's all right. We'll be ready when they come
back in two weeks."

On the Satellite of Love...
"So, 8-Bit, the kids are gonna stay with us for two
"Oh man!" Crow sayeth, "Female companionship! I need
to bathe!" and he quickly ran off the bridge.
"That's about the size of it, Joel," I said, "As I said,
the Ranger reality is unstable and a non-canon character
entering it could make it cave in, but it'll automatically
stabilize itself in two weeks. I think the Rangers are
eagerly awaiting their return, though."
"That's great! Oh, sorry, the Mads are calling."

In Deep 13...
"Oh, hello Joel, I see you survived my little aci--
aci-- acid tri-- tri-- acid tri------"

"The hell?"

Dr. Clayton Forrester was giving off smoke and seemed
to be hyperventilating, and tghen, suddenly, he exploded, and
Joel made an odd discovery.
"My god! He's a robot!"
But suddenly, entering a door in the back, came the
REAL Dr. Clayton Forrester, who said "Which looney locked
me in the storage closet? Frank?! FRANK?!"
Frank came bumbling out a minute later in a sack, which
he finally managed to tear out of. He was confrontational
with Forrester for once, and said "Don't move! Now, what did
you do with my Boss?"
"Whaddya mean? I *am* your boss!"
"No you're not! You're an evil robot clone hell-bent
on destroying all things good!"
"That perfectly describes me except for the robot part
you idiotic buffoon! And what made *this* mess?" he pointed
at the remains of the Forrester robot. Frank went over to
it, rummaged through the parts, and found the face plate,
showing it to Dr. Forrester, who said "My god! That looks
just like me!"

"We're happy to see you're alright, sir," Joel said in
a "I don't mean that" way.
Clayton then noticed the viewscreen he talks to Joel on,
and said "Ah, Joel! How was that fanfic I sent you?"
"Well, I'll never look at fanfiction the same way again..."
"Glad to hear that, because this scrap heap here, as I
just discovered, destroyed my entire databank of movies and
fanfics! I'm going to have to surf the internet for two weeks
to replace 'em all, which is going to put a major cramp in my
plans to drive you crazy and rule the world, but I'll just have
to take that loss. So, you've got two movie-free weeks to
yourselves up there."
Everyone was around to hear this, and they all beamed
with happiness. "Yay! No movies! No Fanfics! Oh thank you
Dr. Forrester we love you for the rest of our lives!"
"That's nice. Well, ta-ta." and he shut off the viewscreen.
"You know, Frank," he turned to his sidekick, picking up the
destroyed clone, "We should see if we can get this thing's
memory downloaded. I dunno how, but *this* succeeded where
I failed, and I must know how!"
"Right away, sir!"

Two weeks later, in the Ranger universe, they invited the
MST3K guys (and me if I could get off this holographic viewscreen)
to join in their first annual celebration in remembrance of
what they called "The Mind Media Victory" named after that
little disk that was in the title but otherwise had nothing
whatsoever to do with this story. The events mostly consisted
of games based on things that had happened during their adventure,
such as "cut the grating" and "The haunted ship ride" (built by
Gadget). Many of their associates such as Tammy and Foxglove
joined the festivities, and stuck around after the fun was over
in order to hear the terrifying but truly funny story of exactly
what happened.

That night, Frog was up late, cleaning the garbage (they
had told him several times that they would all pitch in and help
in the morning, but Frog, as you all know, is a compulsive neat
freak). Pennywinkel was up, too, watching TV, and she said
"Frog, you seriously can wait."
"No I seriously can not."
"You're gonna kill yourself doing that."
"Yep. Over-exertion. It killed that John Henry guy,
the one who raced against the steam digger." Pennywinkel
didn't mention that John Henry was in a lot more straining
of a situation.
"Oh yea, well in that case, I'll take a rest." And
he came over and jumped on the sofa, joining Pennywinkel
in a viewing of some old Sci-Fi movies.
"Got any popcorn?" Frog asked.
"I despise the stuff."
"Me too."
And they just silently watched the movie.



Well, that was fun, wasn't it? Truthfully, this
fanfic has been around long before you readers ever got
a chance to read it, but in a way inferior form. Still,
many things from this fanfic became, for a short while,
lingo in my reality. For example, many of my friends know
I'm considering myself unstoppable if I ever go under
the name "The Rush."
One thing I've figured out: Really, being the author
doesn't mean you know the whole story, a myth commonly
believed by non-writers. Take the Playstation game Silent
Hill, for example. Not even Konami can explain the plot
to you, and they wrote the game. And writing is pretty
much the same as reading a story, except you always know
where you are because you're at the last line you wrote.
When I began Mind Media, I did *not* see very many of the
developments coming. It was more like I would spontaneously
just write something, which is actually how writing works,
despite what many people will tell you. Sure, some things
are planned out ahead of time, but the actual story evolves
on its own, and things you as the writer *think* will happen
may end up not happening. There were several things I expected
to happen in Mind Media that didn't. On the boat, for example,
there was to be a fight with an octopus. Do you see an octopus
fight in this story? No, you don't.
Even moreso, when I wrote Mind Media originally, I had
fully anticipated it to be a *horror* story, not a camp comedy.
So how's that! The whole Genre changed on the author! I also
never anticipated I would want to do a sequel. Yes, there is
going to be a sequel, a Mind Media 2. I can't tell you when
to expect it, maybe in weeks, maybe months, maybe next year.

Well, that's done with the ranting for now. See ya
next time!

-- 8-Bit Star.

Rescue Rangers: Mind Media was completed on Sunday,
October 14, 2001, at 10:00 AM.

Redefining Self-Insertion, level by level.


The Rescue Rangers, as I have said, are property
of Disney. MST3K is property of Best Brains, Inc. Any
characters that never officially appeared in either show,
however, are more than likely mine.
Demon Master Mind (aka Dimm) and all the monsters
are up-for-grabs, meaning they can be used and endlessly
resurrected by any writer who needs a villain and is having
trouble coming up with one on their own.

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