by 8-Bit Star

--------And now for the obligatory rant--------
--------about how much the original story------
--------sucked and why this one is far---------
--------better in every way--------------------

Well, I had toyed with this idea and that, and
finally I came up with a good idea: A serial series!
Like that Weekly deal I talked about on the Acorn
Cafe Story Board (
but this one's totally a personal project (Besides
that, I wanna test the waters).
As this is meant to be an origin story, please
excuse that sometimes it focuses more on my characters
than on the Rangers.
Anyway, I've split this thing into Three "Sagas"
(Yes, I *have* been watching Dragon Ball Z). This file
is the First Saga, the Frog Saga.

Final Origin: The Frog Saga was originally posted
to the Acorn Cafe Story Board in September and October
of 2001.

The second Final Origin Saga is the Pennywinkel
Saga, the third is the Alpha Saga.

--------Not much of a rant, was it now?--------

--------Oh yea, here's the contents of this----
--------First Saga of Final Origin-------------


-------Okay, here's Episode One already------



Here's a unique starter: It was a bleak and
rainy day in the Ranger Headquarters (Oh, it was
bleak and rainy outside, too, but that's irrelevent).
The Headquarters the tree was located in... err, I
mean the tree the Headquarters was located in, had
holes, and holes mean leaks, and leaks mean busy
Rangers who are trying to plug up holes.
Dale wasn't worried. Why? Because he's Dale,
and small matters like possibly drowning weren't a
problem to him.
"Dale," Chip sayeth, "The water is *knee deep*!"
He wasn't exaggerating.
"Ah, you're just afraid of gettin' wet." Dale
responded. He, in turn, recieved a plonk.
"Dale," Gadget said "You really should help us
plug up these leaks..."
There was a knock on the Door, and Dale, being
the only one free, decided he'd be the one to get it.
So he waded through the incredibly drenched Headquarters
to the front door, and opened it.
Outside, he saw no one, and nothing, except for
a little box. He picked up the box, thinking "I wonder
what's in here?" Checking for a nametag, and finding
none, he brought it in.
"Hey guys," he said, closing the door, "We recieved
a package, but I don't know who its for."
"Well, lad, don't just stand there, open it!"
Dale did. In the nondescript box he found what
looked like, of all things, magic wands. There were
four of them, each a different color. And there was
a piece of paper as well. Dale took out the piece of
paper, and read it silently to himself. "These here
are authentic magic wands, and do real magic. Hmmm.
The green one is for doing repairs. Just swing it
at all the affected areas while singing any song you
Dale picked up the green wand out of curiosity,
and decided that it was worth a shot. So he swung it
all over the place while singing "She'll be Comin' Round
the Mountain." He did this up until the end of the first
verse, then, thinking nothing happened, he put it back
in the box, saying "Must be defective."
But then Gadget cried out "Hey, the holes are gone!"
"What?!?!" Dale cried out in disbelief, running to
the other Rangers.
"You're right, Gadget," Chip said, trying to figure
this out. "I can't understand it..." He glanced while
thinking, then noticed Dale, who was still carrying the
box, wand, and instructions, and said "Hey Dale, whatcha
got there?"
"What?" Dale then remembered the stuff he was
carrying, and said "Oh, this stuff? It's just something
I found outside. Here, look at this." He handed Chip
the Instructions.
Chip read through, and his curiosity turned to
dismay. "You're not going to tell me you fixed the
leaks, are you?"
"Uh-uh. I didn't. This did!" He held up the
green wand. Chip looked at it, inspecting it, then
looked at the instructions again. "I'd like to see
this for myself," He said, "Does anyone have anything
broken around here?"
"Not a thing, mate."
Chip had expected Gadget or Dale to have something,
and was surprised they didn't. He decided the best thing
to do would be to find another test. So he waded over to
the sofa, sat down, and read the instructions some more.
After a few minutes, he said "All right, I've got this
figured out.
"First, they are meant for us. They specifically
warn to keep anyone named Dale away from them.
"This green wand does repairs. You have to swing
it at the area in need and sing a song.
"This blue one heals people, apparently. All it
requires is that you tap the hurt or sick person with
"This red wand is some sort of attack wand. You
point it at your target, and say either Fire, Ice, or
Lightning, depending on what you want to strike your foe
with. It notes not to fire lightning at the sky or at
the ground. Firing it at the sky will cause a major
electrical storm, and firing it at the ground will do
the same, also causing the rare phenomenon of lightning
shooting up from the ground."
Gadget interrupted, saying "But I thought it was
always that lightning shoots up from the ground towards
the sky?"
"I'm not sure about that, myself.
"Apparently, this black one is some sort of Last
Resort attack, when nothing else works. You aim it at
your enemy, and sing a song *in Japanese*. Guess they
wanted to safeguard against people using it by accident."
"Or they don't want Americans to use it." Dale
Chip ignored Dale's comment, though he realised
it might be true. He was more intent on seeing what
kind of stuff this red wand could do, so he picked it
up, and said "I'm going outside."
He waded through the still-flooded Headquarters
to the front door (which is a few centimeters--which
are inches to Chipmunks--above the floor, explaning
why opening it doesn't drain out the water). He opened
it, and stepped outside.
Walking to the edge of the landing strip, Chip
decided he'd try to ice something. Lightning, as he
had read, was dangerous, and Fire probably wouldn't
get far in rain. So he aimed the wand at a reletively
clear spot in the park and said "Ice."
Amazingly, right before his eyes, a blast of cold
wind frosted everything in the vicinity of his target
location. Chip looked at the wand again, and, scratching
his head, said to himself "Interesting."

The next day saw a brighter, sunnier sky, albeit
everything was still nice, cool, and moist, and the Ranger
HeadQuarters was still flooded. Chip was preoccupied trying
to puzzle out the wands, Gadget was annoyed at the fact that
her machines and tools were probably rusted, Monterey worried
that the cheese would rot, and Zipper just hated the whole
Let's not forget Dale, who started to think of the
Headquarters as a huge in-door swimming pool. Right,
nevermind, let's *do* forget about him.
But today, like yesterday, was to bring another
surprise to their doorstep.
Suddenly, they heard a knock, a rapid knock, like
someone trying desperately to get in. They listened for
a few minutes, and then Dale decided he'd have to get the
door again. What he didn't get was a chance, because
almost as soon as he reached the knob, the door opened,
and in came a little girl, who quickly shut the door and
held it closed.
This girl was very puzzling to the Rangers. She
was wearing a red cap and jacket, and blue shirt and jeans.
She was so small that her head went up to Chip's neck, and
she had long black hair. That, however, wasn't what puzzled
the Rangers. What *did* puzzle them was that this girl did
not appear to be any sort of forest creature, she looked like
a human being.
Before they could ask her any questions, she quickly
said "Are you Rescue Rangers?"
Chip answered "We are. Why?"
"I Mademanna, and bad people after me! Need you to
protect me!"
Chip put a hand on the little girl's shoulder, and
said "Okay, but you're going to have to go into a bit more
detail. Come over to the sofa."
But just as she started to, the door violently swung
open, and a menacing figure appeared in the doorway, demanding
"Hand over that girl!"

And that concludes this weeks installment in
Final Origin: The Frog Saga. Tune in next week for
Episode II - Frog Blast! Same Ranger Time, Same Ranger

-------And now here's the ever exciting------
-------Episode 2 of the Frog Saga!-----------



The menacing figure, like the girl, seemed to
be totally human. He was slightly taller than Chip,
and dressed totally in black, pants, shirt, overcoat,
hat, the whole shebang. His hat and blue hair covered
his eyes, making him seem that much more menacing.
And you know what made him seem THIIIIIISSS
much more menacing? He hadeth a sword! The sword
had some cool emblems on it, was red on one side and
blue on the other (I mean the blade, folks) but...
Come this think of it, it only makes him seem
a *little* more menacing.
"And who are you?" Chip asked.
"My name is Frog, Dumb Frog, and I want that girl!"
"Yea, I bet you do."
Frog doubled over, and accidentally fell down the
domino stairs, as if he had been hit. He immediately
managed to lift his wet self up and say "Was that meant
to be dirty? She's my sister, you..."
So Chip, being steadfast, said "You don't seem like
the type of criminal we were expecting. Why do you want
the girl?"
Finally getting to his now-soggy feet, Frog said
"Umm... Wait, she is actually a ro-BOT who hap-PENs to
h-OLD the se-CRET of IM-mor-TAL-iTY!... and really, you
guys seem to have a really huge water problem..."
"And why should we give her to a bad guy who doesn't
even have his syllables correct?"
Dale chimed in, "And can't pronounce words, either!"
Frog seemed like he was either getting mad, agitated,
or very, very happy and excited, and said "Because I am the
Evil leader of all things... ummm... all things... Dark and
mysterious?" He looked at Mademanna, as if she could confirm
what he just said.
She shook her head "No."
"Fun and fanciful?"
She shook her head again.
"Dolphins? Would be useful in a house like this..."
Still no.
"All things evil?"
She shook her head "Yep."
"Right, I am the Evil leader of all things Evil! And
further more, I'm the master of the Wa... the Wa... Well,
I'm the guy who can say 'Wa!' a lot! Can *you* say 'Wa!'
a lot? Nope, didn't think so."
"Wa." Chip said, now thinking he was dealing with a
pure idiot. "Look, you better get out of here before we
throw you out."
Talking in some mock mad scientist voice, Frog said
"Are you threeeatening meeeee? You wiiiiill pay for thees!
You wiiiiilll alllllll pay!"
Then he stormed out the door, seeming like he enjoyed
the whole ordeal. Oh, and he didn't hesitate to cause huge
splashes, either.
Mademanna seemed to be shaken, and said "He'll come
back, I just know it." and stood next to Gadget.
Immediately Frog came back in, and said "Oh yea,
forgot my sister. Come along, Mademanna."
Thing is, in reaching for Mademanna, he accidentally
grabbed Gadget's arm. He didn't seem to notice, and instead
says "If anyone tries to stop me I'll think of something bad
to do."
"I'm over here." Mademanna said, no longer seeming
"Wha??" Frog turned around, and moved his hand until
it collided with Gadget's head. Then he slapped himself and
said "Darn. You must excuse that, sometimes I temporarily
lose all my eyesight for a few minutes. Now allow me to
correct my mistake and attempt to capture the *intended*
target.... umm, where is she?"
"Somewhere in the water," Mademanna said.
"Oeth. Okay..." He started walking toward her, but
suddenly let out a cry of pain and fell over, making himself
even more thoroughly wet. He quickly got into a sitting
position, putting his head above the water.
Everyone was watching him, thinking this was some sort
of elaborate trick, except Mademanna, who said "You okay?"
"Oh, just my left leg again."
She sat down next to him, and said "You really should
just let me fix that, there's a reason I'm programmed with
all possible doctor skills."
"Hey now! I'd rather fall and wet myself every five
minutes than let a kid cut my leg off!"
Chip said sarcastically "This is for real, isn't it?"
"Gosh," Dale said, "He doesn't seem like much of a
badguy to me."
And Frog sayeth "All right! I admit it, this is
actually the first time I've ever tried to be a bad guy!
The closest I've ever been was teaming up with Vejita,
but that hardly counts because that was during the Furiza
saga, after he had changed sides, and *he* was on *dry
"What *are* you going on about?" Chip exclaimed.
"A show I used to watch." He managed to get up,
"Well, now that the pain is gone, I'm going to exit,
stage left, before I catch a cold." He dashed to and
out the door quicker than the Road Runner could say
"Beep Beep!"
Then Chip, closing the door, said "You know, I
somehow doubt this girl really needs protection from
that guy."
"He not the one who's after me," Mademanna replied,
"He just works for them."
Chip looked out the window, probably seeing if the
guy was gone.
"It's okay," Gadget said, "You can stay with us.
He won't get you while we're here."
"Thanks guys." The child managed to say.
Chip made no comment, but decided to keep an eye on
the girl, not just for her own safety, but also because
this whole thing was suspicious, and not just because of
the Comedy Relief from earlier. He didn't quite believe
Frog's reason for wanting to capture her. It just had
that made-up-on-the-spot quality to it.
"So, Mademanna," Chip was about to ask, when suddenly,
yet again, Frog opened the door unexpectedly, and said
"All right, if we're not gonna do this the easy way, we'll
have to do this the *other* easy way!"
Chip put a hand on his head, in an "Oh no not him again!"
"I," Frog continued, "Challenge you Rangers to a du-el!"
"Umm, What's a du-el?" Dale asked.
"I think he means a duel, mate." Monterey
answered, "But against all of us at the same time?"
"Sure," Frog sayeth, "Today, in fact. It's
sunny enough, much drier than in here, and I'm assuming
yall know some hand-to-hand?"
Chip still thought there was something fishy
to the whole ordeal, in fact he could basically
smell "Trick" all over this new challenge. He
wondered, if he refused, if he would be able to
explain this hunch to the other Rangers.
On the other hand, he wanted to see exactly
what kind of trick this moron had in store, and
supposing it wasn't a trick, and Frog was just being
more of a moron, this would be an easy victory. And
besides, he wanted to get out of this flooded
headquarters as much as anyone.
So he said "What are the terms?"
And Frog replied "The girl is the prize,
the rest is anything goes, except no going outside
the park. Deal?"
Chip grinned, thinking this was in the bag,
and said "Deal."

So they relocated outside. Mademanna and
Zipper were off to the sides, out of the way of
whatever may happen. Zipper was given the Healing
Wand, whereas Chip had the red wand with him. They
left the other two wands at home, thinking there
was no way they'd be at all useful.
On the left, Frog, on the right, the other
four Rescue Rangers.
"So, when do we start?" Monterey asked anxiously.
"Whenever Mademanna says 'Now'" Frog replied.
The tension just began to build.
The tension is rising.
The tension is at it's peak.
The tension is annoying now.
I don't think anyone cares about the tension anymore.
So all the Rangers, except Gadget who is non-violent
by nature (with exceptions), and Chip who wanted to analyze
the situation first, came at Frog full force. Monterey
almost left him a really huge bump, but Frog somehow managed
to duck in time, get back up, and kick monty square in the
stomach before turning around, picking up Dale, and throwing
him at Monty, knocking them both down.
Monty wasn't down for long, no skinny twig of a
kid was gonna make a full of him! So he came at him with
an uppercut, which just missed.
Monty threw a few more punches and uppercuts, but
none of them ever connected. It didn't matter, because
Frog was being attacked so much he barely ever attacked
back. Finally he ducked behind Monty, and jump-kicked
his back, flip-jumping off.
And landing with his back to Gadget, who in a sudden
burst of inspiration, put her hands together and bonked
Frog right on the back of the head.
Frog fell over, moaning in pain. After a brief moment
over and said "Easy, lady! I'm soft in the brain!"
"We've noticed," Chip commented.
"Well, is it over already?" Gadget asked.
"Noeth! It ith not over, til I can stands no
more!" Frog said, and he got to his feet, and jumped
right over Chip and Gadget. When he landed, all the
Rangers except Zipper were behind him, and he turned
to the Rangers, holding his hands in some sort of cup
The Rangers were astonished, as Frog started to
Frog started glowing more brightly.
That's pronounced "May" for those not in the know.
Frog was glwoing full force, and an orb which had
appeared in his hands was growing, as well.
Okay, now that orb is *big*.
And out of Frog came a huge, yellow blast of pure
energy, sorta like a Kamehameha, and it headed strait
towards the Rangers...

Those who hunt the outcome of this Saga of Final
Origin will have to wait for Episode III - Frog: Not the
Real Enemy? Coming next week.

-------Here is the conclusion to one-third---
-------of the epic known as Final Origin-----



The blinding light had by reflexes caused
the Rangers to shut their eyes, while pure panic prevented
them from running. Like the rodents they were, they were
caught in a trap, and would have been roasted trapped
rodents except for one thing.
And that one thing was that, oddly, Frog's Kamehameha
blast fizzled out.
The Rangers were all thinking "Huh?" expecting to have
been fried. Instead they looked up, and saw Frog, who seemed
dizzy and could barely walk.
"What happened?" Gadget asked.
Frog stumbled from where he was standing all the way
to being in the middle of the group of Rangers. Looking at
Gadget, he managed to choke out "I... forced... myself...
to recover... too fast... from your attack... Generally...
that is not... a good... idea...."
He then plomped over, finally fainted from lack of
Mademanna came running, asking "Is he all right?"
"Don't worry, he's just fainted." Chip responded
Mademanna sat down next to Frog, turned his body
over, and listened for a heart beat to make sure he was
still alive. She then proceeded to grab his right arm
so she could check his pulse, but ended up being distracted
by an unusual ring she saw on her brother's middle finger.
The ring was noticeably big and black, and had a red
emblem of what looked to be some sort of monster or demon.
Mademanna forced the ring off Frog, thinking "What's this?"
by this time, her actions had gotten the attention of the
Rangers, but it didn't matter, as before their eyes, the
ring gave off a flash, and disintegrated into sand.
As if some sudden realization hit her, she suddenly
called out "Bring me the blue wand!"
Zipper managed to buzz out an "Okie dokie!" and
flew the darned thing over, where Mademanna promptly
grabbed it, and tapped it on her brother's head.
Immediately Frog revived, saying "Whoaeth! I feel
like I just fizzled out a Kamehameha. Hey Mademanna,
what's going on?"
"Frog, this is very important! Do you remember
anything about the last couple of hours? Anything at
"Sure as I know that there's a rain cloud. Thing
is, those memories are all weird, me chasing you, and
that part about the secret of immortality... I don't
*quite* remember whcih guy it was that drugged me though."
"I'm confused," Chip exclaimed, "What is going on
"I think me and Mademanna's conversation is trying
to imply that I was under myself a spell of some sort.
Granted, you being the Rescue Rangers probably won't
believe that, but..."
"I dunno about the others, mate," Monty said, "But
when I saw that ring crumble like that, I knew there had
to be magic involved somewhere."
"Or," Chip suggested, "It could all be a clever
trick." Chip kneeled down next to Frog, "Are you *really*
'Back to normal' or however you like to put it?"
"Perhaps. I'm supposing you would want me to
prove it. Question is, how would I go about that?"
Chip thought, and finally answered "Well, I suppose
there is no scientific way, we'll just have to trust you.
But I'm going to be keeping my eye on you."
"Good. Waitaminute, am I *staying* with you guys?"
"Do you got anywhere else to go?"
Frog thought, and thought, and busted a brain cell,
and thought, and said "Nope."
"Then yes, you are, but we're going to be watching
"Fine. My stuff is in that bush over there, let
me go get it..." Frog got up, and started walking over.
Chip, however, still didn't trust the guy, and said "No,
you're staying right here, *Dale* will get it."
"All right, sir," Dale said, mimicking a move military
man. He then marched on over there, and in minutes marched
on back, carrying a backpack with him.
"Frog," Mademanna asked, "Where's Miss Pennywinkel?"
As if some dark shadow had come over Frog's mind,
he suddenly burst out, "Oh my... I don't know... I can't
even remember when I last saw her... something tells me
she's still alive though."
"Who?" Chip wondered.
"I'll explain in the Headquarters."
And thus, they all travelled back to the Headquarters.

That concludes the Frog Saga. Tune in next week
for the first as-yet-unnamed episode of the Pennywinkel

------Here now is the disclaimer which-------
------I am required to put here so that-------
-------I won't get sued. I really don't----------
-------know the point, as fanfiction has-------
-------been around for quite awhile. Has-----
-------anyone ever actually went to court----
-------for writing fanfiction? I mean,-----------

Well, first off, the characters of the Rescue
Rangers and whatever the heck is related to them is
property of Disney. All the characters I invented,
however, are property of me. I Think that's pretty
much it.

To the Pennywinkel Saga

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