Kevin (KS) Sharbaugh
Stories that can be read in any order
Roaches, Hamsters and Ladybugs, Oh My!
Dreaming a Little Dream With Gadget
These stories is placed in reading order
The Wandering Feather
Chapter Two, Three,
Four, Five,
Six, Seven,
Eight, Nine,
Ten, Eleven,
Twelve, Thirteen,
Fourteen, Fifteen,
Sixteen, Seventeen,
Eighteen, Nineteen,
Gadget's Quest
Chapter Two, Three,
Four, Five,
Six, Seven,
Eight, Nine,
Ten, Eleven
Mail Kevin
(KS) Sharbaugh!
Remember all authors likes to get comments about what they are writing but if you don't like the story remember to tell what it is that you don't like. If you don't do that, how can you think that the author will get any better?